2023 Performance against Goals and Key Performance Indicators



Goal: Achieve a perfect environmental compliance record each and every year

Execution: Achieved target with a perfect SMCRA compliance record in 2023

Goal: Achieve ResponsibleSteelTM certification at one or more of the company’s metallurgical mines by 2025

Execution: Shifted focus to achieving Level A verification under globally recognized Towards Sustainable Mining standard, which we determined to be more directly applicable to our mining activities

  • Achieved Level A verification in December 2023 at the Leer mine, which became the first U.S. mine of any type to do so
  • Initiated efforts in pursuit of Level A verification at the Leer South mine


Goal: Direct more than 80 percent of capital spending towards metallurgical segment over the course of the next five years

Execution: Directed 81 percent of capital spending towards metallurgical segment in first year of the five-year assessment period 


Goal: Achieve a 100-percent compliance record for water quality management each year

Execution: Achieved target with zero water quality exceedances against more than 90,000 parameters measured in 2023

Goal: Use recycled water to reduce new water withdrawals from all sources by an aggregate of at least 30 percent in the 2023–2025 period

Execution: Recorded a strong start towards achieving the three-year target via the use of recycled water to reduce new water withdrawals by a total of 40 percent during 2023


Goal: Maintain a cash balance in our thermal mine reclamation fund sufficient — on a present value basis — to cover final closure costs at the company’s Black Thunder surface mine in Wyoming

Execution: Built the cash balance in the thermal mine reclamation fund to $144 million, a total that — on a present value basis — should prove sufficient to cover final closure costs at the Black Thunder mine

Goal: Place at least one large tract of land into a conservation easement by 2025 in support of wildlife populations and the natural ecosystem

Execution: Still in the process of evaluating opportunities to create value for mine communities by placing certain lands into conservation easements


Goal: Complete third-party assessments at each of Arch’s active impoundments — as well as at its inactive impoundments yet to enter final reclamation status — in 2023 and annually going forward

Execution: Completed third-party assessments at each subsidiary impoundment, and used those assessments to further enhance management practices at these sites



Goal: Achieve a perfect safety record — with zero lost-time incidents and zero fatalities — each and every year

Interim Goal: Achieve a lost-time incident rate of 1.17 or less (per 200,000 employee-hours worked) in 2023, which is roughly 2.5 times better than the 2022 coal industry average

Execution: Achieved a lost-time incident rate of 0.55 incidents per 200,000 employee-hours worked in 2023, which exceeded the interim target but fell shy of the larger goal of achieving a perfect safety record each and every year

Goal: Inspire an aggregate of 500,000 or more employee-driven safety observations in the 2023–2025 period, in alignment with Arch’s behavior-based safety culture

Execution: Inspired 289,175 written safety observations — along with 149,923 written pre-job risk assessments — during 2023, putting the company more than half way to the target level for the 2023–2025 period


Goal: Implement an expanded Arch CARES initiative to further engrain inclusion and mutual respect into the Arch culture

Execution: Rolled out a new logo for the CARES program; integrated CARES principles into on-boarding materials; took steps for new salaried employees to complete a course on promoting respect in the workplace; and created and distributed new learning materials that promote the fundamental principles of the program 


Goal: Conduct formal outreach and seek to engage the owners of at least 50 percent of Arch’s equity each year to solicit input on key governance matters such as executive compensation, corporate governance, ESG-related execution, and other current/emerging issues

Execution: Approached the owners of more than 75 percent of Arch’s equity to solicit input on key governance matters, conducting meetings with each of those shareholders that expressed interest